
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. What to expect

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy with a counsellor or psychologists to help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and do thing (behave).  In order to combat these destructive thoughts and behaviours, your therapist will take your through 3 steps to empower you to overcome your difficulties in managing your thoughts.

Step 1.  Functional analysis is the learning process on how you thoughts, feelings and situations can contribute to your behaviour.  This step can be difficult, especially when you may struggle with introspective self-analysis but it can ultimately lead to self-discovery. This step provides valuable  insights which are essential for your treatment process.

Step 2. Cognitive behaviour therapy focuses on your thoughts which are contributing to your problematic behaviours. You will be taught new skills for your to use in real-world situations.

Step 3. Practise these skills with your friends, family and colleagues. By progressively working towards a larger goal, the process will appear less daunting and the goals easier to achieve

Click to view TherapistAid video on What is CBT

What happens during CBT therapy sessions?

1. Your therapist will break down your problems into separate parts (such as your thoughts, physical feelings and actions)

2. Your therapist will analyse which areas to work on and to determine the effect they have on you

3. Your therapist will then be able to help you work out how to change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours

4. After working out what you need to change, you will need to practise these changes in your daily life and then discuss how you feel with your therapist at your next session.  You can write down your thoughts and feelings in a thought journal on a daily basis

5. The therapy is very focused and goal orientated so that you work together with your therapist to achieve these goals in small steps

CBT should help you manage your problems and stop them having a negative impact on your life.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, do reach out and chat with a counsellor or therapist

Disclaimer. TELEME blog posts contains general information about health conditions and treatments. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such. 

If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.

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