
Chin Enhancement

Chin enhancement surgery (also known as genioplasty), helps to improve and refine the contours of the chin, neck and jawline.  The procedure can

  • Treat a recessed or ‘weak’ chin
  • Improve the definition of your neck and jawline
  • Reduce the appearance of a ‘double’ chin
  • Balance the proportion of your face

1.IMPLANT. The surgery involves placing of an implant around your chin bone to improve the size and shape of the chin.  Chin implants are made from a biocompatible material (usually silicone) which will be moulded to fit around the contour of your chin bone.  Your surgeon will be able to customise the shape to help you achieve a more attractive natural looking result.  

Type of implant and the size depends of several factors;

  • Measurements of your chin
  • Shape of your chin
  • Size of your chin
  • Characteristics of your face
  • Jaw line
  • Your body shape
  • Your personal requirement
Image credit Praque Beauty

2. SLIDING & AUGMENTATION GENIOPLASTY allows your doctor to position the chin forward or backward to achieve the optimum cosmetic appearance.  Your doctor will make a cut on the bone to move your chin forward or backwards.  The chin can also be decreased or increased in height and width as deemed appropriate.

Click to view London Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery video on Chin Implant

For combined enhanced results

Sometimes, to achieve the desired look, your surgeon may suggest that the chin augmentation be performed together with additional procedures such as

  • Rhinoplasty (helps to redefine the shape of your face profile)
  • Chin liposuction (helps to strengthen the chin and improve the jawline definition by removing excess fat underneath the chin)

Post-Treatment Care

Chin augmentation surgery usually takes around 1 hour to perform and after surgery, the incision is closed with sutures and the chin will be bandaged.  After the surgery, your surgeon will advise how to look after yourself to ensure good healing and prevent complications like bleeding or scarring.  You should be able to return to work after 7 days and normal routine after 1 month

  • Sleep face-up with your head (using 2-3 pillows) higher than your chest to reduce swelling
  • The removal of dressing may take place between 3-10 days depending on your surgeon
  • Try to have liquid diet in the first few days to avoid chewing on hard foods

Do’s and Don’t’s

DO take baths (rather than showers) to avoid making your dressing dressing wet

DO be patient because the swelling make take up to 3 months to settle

DO NOT do strenuous activities such as contact sports or jogging during the first month

DO NOT chew on any hard foods or make big jaw movements until advised by your doctor

Discuss with your Cosmetic Surgeon or Aesthetic Doctor about the treatment options for your chin

Disclaimer. TELEME blog posts contains general information about health conditions and treatments. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such. 

If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.

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