
Rhinoplasty (‘nose job’)

Rhinoplasty (also known as a nose job) is procedure which can change the shape & proportion of your nose as well as treating breathing difficulty caused by the abnormal structure;

Rhinoplasty usually addresses the following issues;

  • Asymmetrical nose shape
  • Proportion of the nose to the face
  • Width of the nose or position of the nostrils
  • Profile of the ridge of the nose (such as humps or depressions)
  • Tip of the nose which is enlarged, upturned or hooked
  • Upturned or large nostrils

Click to view ASPS video on Rhinoplasty

Types of Rhinoplasty

The upper portion of the nose is bone while the lower portion is made of cartilage. Rhinoplasty can change the shape and size of the bone, cartilage, skin or a combination of all three. Your surgeon will discuss and customise a treatment plan SUITABLE for your condition and your face.  This may involve the use of implants or autologous tissues from your body such as the rib bone, septum or ear cartilage.  Try NOT to take short cuts or take cheaper options which may not last or not suitable for you.

1. Open Rhinoplasty

In the Open Rhinoplasty, a small incision is made under the tip of the nose to allow your cosmetic surgeon to sculpt the nose into the desired shape and size. The resulting scars are usually not conspicuous as they follow the contour of your skin.

2. Close Rhinoplasty

In the Closed Rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nose and is ideal for patients who only need minor adjustments to the nose structures. The advantage of closed rhinoplasty is that there are no visible scars after surgery.

Post-Treatment Care

After the surgery, your surgeon will advise how to look after your nose to ensure good healing and prevent complications like bleeding or scarring.  You should be able to return to work after 10-14 days and normal routine after 1 month

  • Sleep with your head (using 2-3 pillows) higher than your chest to reduce swelling and bleeding
  • Try not to blow your nose too hard even though your nose is congested
  • You may have a drip gauze to catch mucus or blood dripping out of your nose
  • You may have dressing or splints placed inside/outside your nose to maintain the shape
  • The removal of dressing or splints may take place between 3-10 days depending on your surgeon

Do’s and Dont’s

  • DO take baths (rather than showers to avoid making your nose dressing wet
  • DO take high fibre diet to prevent constipation
  • DO keep your follow-up appointment to ensure good healing
  • DO brush your teeth gently to prevent hitting the upper gum and nose
  • DO wear clothes which button over the front and avoid clothes which you need to pull over your head to prevent injury to your nose
  • DO NOT blow your nose too hard
  • DO NOT do strenuous activities such as contact sports or jogging (until your Doctor says it’s OK to do so)
  • DO NOT strain while at the toilet or lift heavy objects
  • DO NOT rest your glasses over your nose for at least 1 month
  • DO NOT make extreme facial expressions such as laughing as it may affect the shape of the nose
  • DO NOT go out to the hot sun (UV light can affect the colour of the skin over the nose)

Discuss with your Cosmetic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon or Aesthetic Doctor about the treatment options for your nose

Disclaimer. TELEME blog posts contains general information about health conditions and treatments. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such. 

If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.

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