Gynecomastia ‘Man boobs’ Surgery
Gynaecomastia is often called ‘man boobs’ because of the similarity to female breasts. It is caused by having additional breast tissue and not due to just fatty deposit at the chest making the appearance awkward or embarrassing for affected men. Sometimes, the breast may be tender or even painful. Doing exercise or losing weight does not cure the condition.
Risk factors
For most men, the condition appears for no apparent reason. There is usually a family history or genetic tendency. Other causes include hormonal (oestrogen) imbalance, excessive alcohol consumption, the use of certain medications as well as being overweight.
Men with gynecomastia have excess of both breast glandular tissue as well as fat. Treatment usually involves:
- Liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue. This involves inserting a small tube through a small 3-4 mm incision at the armpit and just under the nipple. It is important to sculpt the surrounding breast carefully to result in a smooth curvature and flattening of the breast which looks natural.
- Excision to remove excess glandular tissue through a small incision hidden around the edge of the nipple so that the scar is hardly visible.
Post Operative Care
- Dressing. If a bandage has been wrapped around your chest, it should be removed at your first post-operative visit.
- Showering and bathing. You may shower or bathe 24 hours after surgery.
- Sutures. Your stitches (sutures) are usually removed after 7-10 days.
- Exercise. You may perform gentle exercises for the first 10 days but avoid high impact or aerobic exercise for at least 3 weeks. This is to reduce swelling and bleeding after surgery. You may take gentle walks after 10 days.
- Sun exposure. Your skin will be sensitive to the sun for the first year. Avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
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