Is your Vaginal Discharge normal?
Most women will have some degree of vaginal discharge after puberty. The discharge (usually clear / whitish fluid) helps to keep the vagina clean, lubricated and healthy. The amount of discharge may change depending on the time of month, during pregnancy (usually more discharge), when you are on the contraceptive pill or reaction to condom (rubber). Normal vaginal discharge does not smell or cause any symptoms. However, you may have an infection if your discharge has a smell or colour causing the following symptoms;
- Itchiness around the vagina
- Vague pelvic pain or pain during intercourse
- Smelly or fishy odour
- Green, brown or white colour discharge (see below)
These are the common causes of vaginal infections;
- Candidiasis yeast infection (also known as thrush)
- Bacteria vaginosis
- Chlamydia infection
- Gonorrhea infection

See a Gynae Specialist for a Vaginal Examination / Swab / Ultrasound Scan to get the correct Diagnosis & Treatment
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