
Why Vaccinate Your Child?

Vaccines work by introducing a weakened or dead form of either the bacteria or virus (known as the antigen). This vaccine encourages the body to create antibodies against this antigen so that when the person is exposed to the infection, the body is able to fight the infection quickly without being affected too severely by the illness.

In short, vaccines prepares the body to fight the disease in case the person gets infected in the future.

Although there may be some side effects during the vaccination, the benefits outweigh them. In 2018, it was reported that in Malaysia, there were:

  • 6 deaths from measles (none of them receives vaccination)
  • 5 deaths from diphtheria (4 of them did not receive vaccination)
  • 22 deaths from pertussis (19 of them did not receive vaccination)

Do read the link below on how a lecturer had ‘wished his parents had him vaccinated’ as a baby but instead contracted polio at the age of 18 months and lost his ability to walk properly since then.


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