
Modern Lifestyle Behaviour Which Can Cause Eye Problems

Watching TV or computer for too long causes eye strain and dry eyes. The symptoms are called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This happens because the eye focusing ciliary muscle works hard (contracts) when looking for near. After looking near for too long, you get ciliary spasm (like muscle cramp) causing eye discomfort or even headache.

In addition, weblink 30% less when reading or concentrating too hard at something. Blinking fewer results in fewer tears being produced by the eyes causing dry eye symptoms such as sandy or gritty feeling.

Young children who play games on their mobile devices or read a lot tend to start wearing glasses at a younger age for myopia (short-sightedness).

To avoid this, remember the 20-20-20 rule. Namely, take a 20-second break after 20 minutes concentration to look at 20 feet away (considered infinity distance) whereby the eye focusing muscle is most relaxed.

Do not look at your phone in the dark for long periods because our pupils (like a camera aperture) dilate in the dark. This means a lot of light gets into the eyes and brain.

The blue light emitted by the phone reduces the amount of melatonin and affect our sleep pattern. If you really need to look at your phone at night, either reduce the brightness of the phone or turn on some background light.

Do protect your eyes from harmful UV light. Excessive sunlight can cause corneal dryness and an eye growth called pterygium which is very common in fisherman, sailors and mountaineers. At the sea or snow covered areas, there is double the amount of UV light coming into our eyes because of the reflection of sunlight from the water and snow. Protect your eyes by wearing UV blocking sunglasses when outdoors for long period of time like playing golf or fishing.

Exercise more because blood flow is good for the eye and brain. The eye is like a camera which sends the images to the brain which is like a computer that analyses the images. A stroke in the brain can also make a person blind even though the eye is functioning normally. Walking 3-4 times a week reduces the pressure in the eye and helps patients with glaucoma (eye condition caused by high eye pressure) improve their eye pressure control.

As we age, there is always wear & tear in our body including the eyes. The retina and macula is a layer of cells in our eye which convert the images we see into electrical signals to be transmitted to our brain. These cells gradually degenerate (die naturally) as we grow older. We can help protect against age-related macular generation by eating more food containing vitamins A, C and E, as well as antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin.

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