Acne is a pain, both figuratively and literally. Using cosmetics merely covers the problem, but doesn’t solve it. In fact, some makeup products contain chemicals that could make your pimple problems worse. The skin products that are said to be super effective aren’t wallet-friendly too.
Click to view Dr Josh video on Secrets to get rid of Acne
Here are some home remedies that are not too expensive which you can try:
1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. You can find these in any pharmacy and they are not too expensive. It helps kill the bacteria present on your skin and even helps soothe it.
Just put one or two drops of it on a cotton bud and apply directly on the acne area before you sleep. It may not work as fast as the other skincare products in the market, but it’s known to have fewer side effects.
2. Egg whites

Rich in protein, egg whites can help you get rid of pimples and even regenerate damaged skin cells. They also help absorb excess sebum, which prevents pimples from forming as a result of bacteria feeding on it.
Whisk two to three egg whites till they become frothy. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.
3. Green tea

Matcha fans rejoice! Your favourite drink and flavour could actually be your skin’s protector too. It’s known for being an antioxidant and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, both of which are good for preventing and getting rid of pimples.
Besides drinking it, you can use green tea as a face mask. Mix a cup of cooled tea with raw honey and apply it on your face for 20 minutes. Do this at least once a week.
4. Coconut oil

Lack of moisture is also one of the reasons why people get pimples. When your skin is too dry, it releases more sebum which, in excess, can create acne problems. Coconut oil is a great hydrating agent that is not only good for your body, but your skin as well.
Apply ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil on your face and neck daily. Wipe off the excess so that it doesn’t make your skin too oily.
5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera kills germs, soothes the skin, and helps repair damaged skin cells. On top of that, it can help tighten your pores so that dirt and bacteria won’t be able to clog them and produce pimples.
Cut a piece of aloe vera and apply directly onto the affected area. Do this once every few days for better results.
Before you start using any of these home remedies, consult a dermatologist or doctor to find out if you’re allergic to any of these natural products first. Everyone’s skin condition is unique, so it’s best to determine yours before using any product, be it natural or synthetic.
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