Good Night Sleep

Sleep: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep 4 (1)

Getting a good night’s sleep requires more than just going to bed on time. Try the following sleep tips to give yourself the best chance of getting consistent, quality sleep each night.

Breast Self Examination

Breast Self-Examination Technique 5 (4)

Breast self-examination is a simple and useful tool to help screen for breast diseases (such as cancer) in addition to a regular physical examination by your doctor with a mammogram and/or ultrasound.

Asthma & Inhaler

Asthma Action Plan 4.5 (4)

An Asthma Action Plan is a plan created by your doctor to help asthmatic patients like you to control your asthma effectively. Each plan may differ from patient to patient depending on severity and condition of the disease.

Asthma Attack

What To Do During An Asthma Attack 5 (1)

During an asthma attack, there is a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms due to the tightening of muscles around the airways (known as bronchospasm). The lining of the airways becomes swollen with production of thick mucus resulting in the following symptoms…