National Cancer Society of Malaysia
The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (Persatuan Kanser Kebangsaan Malaysia) or (NCSM), is the first not-for-profit cancer organization in Malaysia that provides education, care and support services for people affected by cancer and the general public.
Established in 1966, NCSM is a tax-exempt charity body registered under the laws of the Malaysian Societies Act and Registrar of Societies Malaysia. The Society was founded by the late Dato’ Dr S.K. Dharmalingam, Malaysia’s first oncologist and was launched by then Prime Minister of Malaysia, the late YAB Tun Abdul Razak. The Society is financed entirely by contributions and donations from the public.
Click to view NCSM Corporate video
NCSM provides holistic cancer–related services to cancer patients, caregivers and the public through our five centers.
- Cancer and Health Screening Clinic
- Nuclear Medicine Centre
- Resource and Wellness Centre
- Quit Smoking Clinic
- Children’s Home of Hope
Chat with a Cancer Counsellor online to share your concerns or worry about your health condition
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