Diabetic Diet

Diet For Diabetes 4.7 (3)

A diabetic meal plan is a healthy eating plan which consists of balance nutrition in the right amount of calorie requirement and the right amount of food types.

Healthy Eating

Healthy Ageing: Nutrition 0 (0)

In this era of fast foods and junk foods, the epidemic of metabolic and lifestyle diseases have skyrocketed. Every hour a person dies from a heart attack…

Zumba Exercise

Healthy Ageing: Exercise 0 (0)

Exercise is the best buy in public health and as Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, “Walking is men’s best medicine”.

Free Radicals

Healthy Ageing: Combat Free Radicals 0 (0)

In addition to normal body processes, environmental factors such as radiation, pollution, tobacco smoke, and others can act as oxidants and cause free radicals formation.