Hearing Loss

Causes and Management of Hearing Loss 4.5 (2)

When an individual has hearing loss, the person would most often be referred to an audiologist for a diagnosis of the type of hearing loss, severity of hearing loss, site of problem and non-medical management.

Ear Model

Types of Hearing Loss 5 (2)

Normally, hearing loss is divided into conductive loss, sensorineural loss and mixed loss. These descriptions are based on where the problem that caused the hearing loss is present.

Deaf Person

Can a Deaf Person Hear? 4 (1)

Can a deaf person hear? If your answer was a no, then you are among the majority who has the wrong idea about hearing impairment.

Hearing loss in a child

Hearing & Speech Development In Children 5 (2)

The first 3-4 years of life is when the child acquires speech and language skills. These skills develop best when the child is exposed to world rich in sounds (hearing skills), sights and exposure…