MY Feeding Project Malaysia
The first few years of a child’s life are important in the physical development because optimal nutrition during this period results in better growth and may reduce the risk of chronic disease in future. I am Jess, a Nutritionist currently doing research in Community Nutrition at a local University. This study aims to determine the associations of parental feeding factors and child eating behaviours with the body weight status among Malaysian young children aged 6-months to 36-months.
We would like to invite you to participate in this private and confidential survey to help us assess the quality of nutrition children in Malaysia. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and the inclusion criteria are;
- Child is aged 6 to 36-months at time of survey
- Child is term baby (>37 weeks of pregnancy) and healthy
- Both parents are Malaysian citizens
- Both parents need to fill the forms
It will take around 30 minutes so do sit comfortably. Both parents can fill the survey form together or separately. If you are doing separately and you need to SAVE your response halfway through or waiting for your spouse’s turn to answer, click “NEXT” until “both father and mother completed the questionnaire” and click “SUBMIT” to save your answers in Google form even though you have not finished yet.
To complete the incomplete online survey, click “EDIT YOUR RESPONSE” to continue and resubmit by clicking “SUBMIT”. Take your time and enjoy the survey because you may learn some new facts about nutrition and eating habits.
Click to view MyFeeding Project Malaysia
- Click to SIGN UP with your EMAIL
- Daddy will need to answer 3 sections A-C
- Mummy will need to answer 6 sections, A-F
- After you have Completed the Survey, Click SUBMIT
- You will receive a FREE Personalised Nutritional Status Report via your email
- We will also post a FREE Goodie Bag which includes a Recipe Book as a Token of Appreciation
To know more about this project, you can click the following;
WhatsApp any Questions to 016 356 8093
Talk to a Dietician or Nutritionist if your child has poor eating habits
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If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.