

Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the soft tissue lining in the sinuses. It is very common and can affected up to 10% of the population.  Normal healthy sinuses are filled with air but when they become blocked, the sinuses become filled with mucus which can get infected with bacteria causing infection.

Click to view FreeMedEducation video on Sinusitis

Risk factors

  • Smokers
  • Flu or common cold
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Polyps in the nose
  • Deviated septum

Types of Sinusitis

  • Acute sinusitis (which lasts between 2-4 weeks)
  • Chronic sinusitis (which lasts more than 12 weeks)
  • Recurrent sinusitis (which recur several times a year)


  • Pain over the sinus or headache
  • Mucus or nasal discharge
  • Post nasal mucus drip with bad breath
  • Nasal congestion
  • Altered smell or taste
  • Chronic cough
  • Fever

Click to view FreeMedEducation video on Sinusitis


  • Rhinoscopy involves using a endoscope to look into your nasal passages and sinuses
  • X-Ray or CT Scan can detect extent of the disease


Treatment depends on the cause, severity of symptoms and extent of the disease.  The treatment options include


  • Steam bath over your face and nose
  • Nasal decongestions (to help reduce the mucus secretions
  • Nasal sprays to help drain trapped mucus or pus in the nose
  • Mucolytic medications (to help dissolve the mucus)
  • Analgesics (to help ease the pain)
  • Antibiotics (for bacterial infections)
  • Anti-Histamines (for allergy)


Surgery is done using an endoscope in the operation theatre.  The surgery will be able to

  • remove any growths such as polyps
  • repair any septum deviation
  • drain out the mucus or pus collection in the sinuses
  • dilate a blocked sinus using balloon sinuplasty and/or opening up these sinuses to improve the effectiveness of medication

Prevention Do’s and Don’t’s

DO drink lots of water to stay hydrated daily

DO use a steam bath to help loosen the mucus

DO sleep with your head slightly elevated to reduce nasal drip

DO use a humidifier in your room

DO NOT smoke or breathe in dusty or polluted air

DO NOT blow your nose too hard

See your ENT doctor early if you have symptoms of sinusitis to prevent complications later on

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If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.

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